Member Secretary & DIRECTOR
" A dream doesn't become reality through magic but it takes sweat, determination, & hard work to make it come true. The arc of the gradually blossoming flower symbolizes development from childhood to adulthood, through the process of learning. The catalyst in this process being education, which opens doors for a life full of opportunities."
It gives me immense pleasure to share one mile stone of a great journey. The joy is heightened when the journey is towards a vision. In response to the rapidly changing economic environment and the process of globalization, the institute has made a humble beginning to bring quality perspective to all its activities.
We at RSIT SCHOOL & INSTITUTE are gradually working to build sound traditions of research and teaching on all our academic programs. We offer diversified and well thought-out programs of study supported with elaborate state of the art facilities.
Learning and growth at RSIT SCHOOL & INSTITUTE are not confined to classroom and academic experience. Students participate in rich and varied extracurricular and co- curricular activities too. While we feel proud of our achievements, we are not contented. Our vision is to emerge as a top ranking College in India.
In order to create an enchanting, pleasant and learning environment, the purpose built College building houses is the state-of-art, laboratories, library, classrooms, sports facilities etc. We have enrolled highly qualified, dedicated and experienced faculty to impart quality education and to equip the students not only with the professional and technical knowledge but to create confidence in them.
We believe in strict discipline and desire the students to refrain themselves from indulging in any unlawful, indecent, and anti-social activities so that they may achieve their academic excellence in a soothing and tranquil environment
Our aim is to achieve global reorganization as a leading player in the field of education. Our success in this endeavor has the potential of making our institute one of the most attractive destination in the world of acquiring High Quality education.
I am sure that with our collective vision, we will achieve our goal by creating the desired environment for overall development of the College through dynamic, participative and scholarly academic inputs duly complemented by collaborative deployment of professionals of high repute and caliber. The College has to serve as a hub of innovation and research to facilitate this.
I extend my best wishes to all the stakeholders of the College in creating a modern College in a rural set up in this part of the country.
I wish all students and faculty members to create an environment of world class teaching & learning and innovation in their pursuits.
विद्या नाम नरस्य रूपमधिकं प्रच्छन्नगुप्तं धनम् विद्या भोगकरी यशः सुखकरी विद्या गुरूणां गुरुः । विद्या बन्धुजनो विदेशगमने विद्या परं दैवतम् विद्या राजसु पूज्यते न हि धनं विद्याविहीनः पशुः ॥
"विद्या इन्सान का विशिष्ट रुप है, गुप्त धन है । वह भोग देनेवाली, यशदात्री, और सुखकारक है । विद्या गुरुओं का गुरु है, विदेश में वह इन्सान की बंधु है । विद्या बडी देवता है; राजाओं में विद्या की पूजा होती है, धन की नहि । इसलिए विद्याविहीन पशु हि है ।"!